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Plant Based Eating: The Basics

When: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Where: Zoom - Online

Did you know that more Canadians are adopting a plant-based eating style? It is recommended by Canada’s Food Guide to add more plant-based foods to our diet. Plant based eating patterns have been associated with many health benefits.

These benefits include:

  • A lower risk of cardiovascular disease (potential reduction by 16%)
  • A positive impact on blood pressure, weight management and brain health
  • A lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes
  • A plant based style of eating includes more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

Plant-based eating may be something to consider for its positive impacts on health, as well as the environment, and it may also benefit your budget. If you are interested in learning more about plant based eating, SUNDEC is piloting a new virtual session Plant Based Eating: The Basics. The session will focus on how to:

  • Implement plant-based eating
  • Adjust recipes to incorporate more plant-based foods

Time: 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location: Zoom – Online
Who Can Attend: SAFHT patients as well as people in the community
To register: call SUNDEC at 416-480-4805 or email