Holland Bone and Joint Program
Hospital  >  Care Programs  >  Holland Bone and Joint Program  >  Clinics & services  >  Outpatient clinics

Outpatient clinics: Holland Bone and Joint Program

After joint replacement, if physiotherapy is recommended by your surgeon, we will make arrangements for you to have physiotherapy at the Holland Centre. If you prefer to go to a physiotherapy clinic closer to your home, we have agreements with Lifemark (PT Health) clinics across Ontario, or you can choose another clinic of your preference. Please use the search below to look at available clinics in your area. If you are having shoulder or knee replacement, at your Preadmission Clinic visit you will be asked which clinic would be most suitable. The nurse will send a physiotherapy referral and you will be contacted by the clinic to arrange an appointment.

Clinic details are subject to change; please contact an individual clinic to confirm location and other information.

Use current location
