Department of Psychiatry
Hospital  >  Departments  >  Psychiatry  >  Patient care  >  General Division

General Division

The Division of General Psychiatry serves adults ages 18 to 64 living in the area bounded by Sheppard Avenue, the Don Valley Parkway, St. Clair Avenue, and Bathurst Street. 

Outpatient services include general psychiatric consultation to family physicians providing service to the local community. Referrals should be made using the Mental Health Services Outpatient Consultation Referral Form. Although we provide treatment recommendations, due to the volume of requests, we can not offer long-term follow-up to referred patients.

There are also specialized services, including a mood disorders program, cognitive behaviour therapy, neuropsychiatry and assessment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Sunnybrook also offers a Depression Care Program.

Inpatient services are available to adults ages 18 and over on a 27-bed unit, containing five beds in the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit. View our Sunny.Set.Go resource for inpatients with depression.

Learn more about our specialty services or clinical research in the General Adult Division.