Sunny Set Go - resource for inpatients with depression at Sunnybrook

To enhance the experience and outcomes of patients and family members on the Inpatient Unit through support and resources.

Sunny.Set.Go provides educational resources for inpatients with depression at Sunnybrook, as well as their supportive family members and friends. It is available to enhance the experience of patients and their support system and help improve mental health and well-being as inpatient care is provided in the Department of Psychiatry.

Mother and daughter hugging


Depression is also known as Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). It is a mood disorder that can lead to loss of interest in daily activities, disturbances in mood, appetite, sleep, and suicidal thoughts.

“In 2008, WHO ranked major depression as the third cause of burden of disease worldwide and projected that the disease will rank first by 2030” - Malhi & Mann, 2018

Depression is a treatable mental health disorder and can be managed with the help of healthcare professionals and various treatment options.

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Counsellor and patient

Inpatient Psychiatry Unit

Sunnybrook's Department of Psychiatry provides mental health care services to individuals and their families. Our compassionate and highly skilled experts in mental health continuously strive to create new and unique approaches to depression care.

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