Genitourinary Cancer

What is prostate seed brachytherapy?

Also known as low-dose brachytherapy (LDR)

  • Internal radiation treatment where a large number of tiny radioactive seeds are put into the prostate.
  • These seeds have radioactive iodine which give off radiation over a few months to kill off cancer cells with little risk of damaging the organs around the prostate.
  • The treatment is done at the Odette Cancer Centre in the Brachytherapy Suite. You do not need to stay in the hospital for this treatment.
  • Your treatment is given to you by a team of Nurses, Radiation Oncologists, Radiation Therapists and Medical Physicists.

There are 3 steps to prostate seed brachytherapy treatment:

Step 1: Planning your trans-rectal ultrasound (called a TRUS)

Step 2: Implanting the radioactive seeds

Step 3: Follow up care

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