Hospital  >  Care Programs  >  Odette Cancer Program  >  Hematology cancer care  >  About hematology cancer care  >  Outpatient Consolidation Chemotherapy:  >  What to expect during the recovery phase (Days 6-28)

What to expect during the recovery phase (Days 6-28)

During your recovery phase, you will visit C606 two times a week (for example, every Tuesday and Friday).

When you arrive for your appointment, a nurse will ask you questions about your health and discuss any concerns you might have. This will help us understand what side-effects you may be having from your blood counts being low.

You will have blood taken through your central venous catheter. This blood will be used to check your hemoglobin (red blood cells), platelets (blood clotting cells) and neutrophils (white blood cells that fight infections).

You may need a blood transfusion if your blood counts are low and depending on how you feel. You may also need antibiotics to fight any infections you may get.

Your recovery phase appointments will last about 2-8 hours depending on your needs.

What to do if you develop a fever during your Recovery phase (Days 6-28)

Please note: These instructions are only for the Recovery Phase (Days 6-28)

If you develop a fever, you may have an infection. You must go to an emergency room right away if:

  • A single oral temperature of ≥ 38.3° C (101° F) OR a temperature ≥ 38 ° C (100.4 ° F) which lasts more than 1h. Do not take Acetaminophen (Tylenol®) or Ibuprofen (Advil).
  • Your body starts to shake a lot.
  • You become sleepy at a time when you should not be sleepy.
  • You are confused in your thinking.