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Community food programs pathfinder

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Eating well when you have cancer can help you:

  • Maintain your strength and energy
  • Lower your risk of infections
  • Lower your risk of hospital stay
  • Cope with side effects from treatment
  • Help you heal and recover faster after treatment

Sometimes eating well when you have cancer and getting the right foods can be hard. There may be food services in your community that you may find helpful.

 websites211 Ontario

Please call 2-1-1 or visit– topics (Click on Food) to learn more about community food services in your area such as:

Cooking classes and facilities

  • Programs where you can use kitchen facilities to prepare and serve food. You can also learn how to prepare healthy low-cost meals.

Food access for seniors/people with disabilities

  • Programs for older adults and people with disabilities that need help with grocery shopping, meal delivery, and making healthy meals.

Food banks

  • Programs that give free groceries or vouchers for people on low incomes.

Food delivery

  • Programs that will deliver food to you if you cannot leave your home or shop on your own.

Food for special dietary needs

  • Programs that will give you foods with vitamins and other nutrients if you are on a special diet.

Free/low-cost meals

  • Programs that focus on giving free/low-cost meals to people on low incomes, homeless, or not working.

Grow/pick your own food

  • Programs that can help you learn how to grow your own fruits and vegetables using a community garden and gardening tools.

 Other support services

Odette Nutrition Resource Centre

Telephone: 416-480-5800 ext. 3438
Location: TG-261 (T-wing, ground floor, across from Druxy’s)
A free drop-in service where you can meet with clinical nutrition staff to get information on nutrition during and after cancer treatment, try samples of commercial nutrition supplements and book an appointment with a registered dietitian.

Odette Patient & Family Support

Telephone: 416-480-4623
Location: TG-230 (T-wing, ground floor)
Free services to help you manage eating, stress, worry, financial concerns, changes in health and daily activities.

Talk to a social worker to get help with finding food programs in your area, grocery gift cards, and funds to buy food if you are on a special diet.

Patient Education and Research Learning Centre (PEARL)

Telephone: 416-480-4534
Location: T-wing, 1st floor, by the main reception
Find information about cancer, symptoms and side effects, cancer treatments, free community programs and support groups.

Canadian Cancer Society
Toll-free: 1.888.939.3333
Free services that include peer support, support groups, online communities, and a telephone cancer information service.

While this information may be useful, it is intended for educational purposes only. Please continue to ask your health care team if you have questions or concerns. For any other inquiries, please contact us at