3.b.i Endocervical Glandular Dysplasia
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Endocervical glandular dysplasia is a terminology that can be assigned to atypical endocervical lesions which histological features fall short for the diagnosis of endocervical adenocarcinoma in situ. Endocervical glandular dysplasia is not a well-defined entity and therefore the clinical significance of lesions diagnosed as such and whether or not they really represent a precursor for endocervical neoplasia remains uncertain. However, use of this diagnostic terminology with an explanatory comment can be useful, for example, in the setting of a cervical biopsy showing some atypical glandular features to ensure further clinical assessment and proper clinical follow-up of the patient.
Contact Information
Gynecologic Pathology
Room E-436,
2075 Bayview Avenue,
Toronto, Ontario
M4N 3M5
Admin. Assistant/Clerical Supervisor
Lesley Nicholson
Tel: 416-480-4009