Lab Test Information Guide
Looking for a lab test?
- Search for Biochemistry or Hematology tests in the Reference Test Manual
- To view the Hematology Reference Ranges, see the Test Menu
- For Surgical Pathology, Cytology, Blood and Tissue Bank, Molecular Diagnostics and Flow Cytometry tests, search the lab test database below by keyword
- Any Microbiology tests not available in the Shared Hospital Lab link on the right can also be searched below
Please note that these documents change regularly, so please check back to access the most up-to-date versions.
- ABL1 Kinase Domain Mutation
- Acanthamoebae
- Acute Leukemia Immunophenotyping
- AML1-ETO t(8 21)
- Amoebiasis serology
- Amputated limb
- Amyloidosis
- Anal Swab
- Arbovirus serology
- Aspergillus Serology
- Autopsy - Adult
- Autopsy - Perinatal
- B cell clonality
- Bartonella serology
- Bcl-2
- BCR-ABL1 Diagnostic
- Betke-Kleihauer Test (Semi Quantitative)
- Biopsies-Tissues For AFB,TB, MAI
- Biopsies-Tissues for Virus Isolation
- Bladder washing
- Blood for AFB, TB, MAI
- Body cavity fluids
- Body cavity-Washings
- Bone for AFB, TB, MAI
- Bone for Virus Isolation
- Bone Marrow for AFB, TB, MAI
- Breast Specimens - Biopsy and Surgical
- Brucellosis serology
- Brushings (Bronchial, CBD, Esoph, Gastric)
- Buccal Mucosa for IF
- CBF-MYH11 Inv(16) or t(16 16)
- Cervical swab for HSV
- Chlamydia by PCR
- Chlamydia trachomatis Culture
- Chlamydophila pneumoniae-Mycoplasma pneumoniae-Respiratory PCR
- Chromosome Analysis - Cancer Diagnostics
- CMV PCR Assay (was Antigenemia Serology)
- CMV Serology
- Coccidioidomycosis serology
- Cold Agglutinin Screen
- Colon Cancer MSI markers
- Cord Blood Testing
- CSF for CJD
- CSF for Enterovirus by RT-PCR
- CSF for HSV by PCR
- CSF for Mycobacterium Culture (AFB, TB, MAI)
- CSF for Syphilis
- CSF for Viral PCR Testing
- CSF for West Nile Virus
- CSF for Zika Virus by PCR
- Dengue Virus for PCR and Serology Testing
- Dermatophyte Culture - skin scrapings, hair, nails
- Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase (DPYD) Genotyping
- Direct Antiglobulin Test
- Donath-Landsteiner Test
- Duodenal contents for Parasites
- Factor V Leiden genotyping (G1691A)
- Faeces (stool) for Ova and Parasites incl requests for Cryptosporidium, Isospora, Cyclospora, Microsporidia, Coccidia
- Faeces (stool) for TB
- Faeces (stool) for Vibrio Culture
- Faeces (stool) for Virus Isolation
- Fetal Hemoglobin Test by Flow Cytometry (Quantitative)
- Fetal Maternal Hemorrhage Assessment by Flow Cytometry
- Fetus
- Fine Needle Aspirate
- Fine needle aspirate - Direct smear
- FISH - CLL Panel
- FISH - Multiple Myeloma Panel
- FISH - Trisomy 18
- FISH - Trisomy 3
- FLT3 (ITD - D835 mutations)-NPM1
- Fluid (Sterile) Culture for AFB, TB, MAI
- Fluid (Sterile) Culture for Virus Isolation
- Frozen Section
- Hepatitis A Ab-IgM
- Hepatitis A IgG Ab
- Hepatitis B DNA
- Hepatitis B HBc IGM
- Hepatitis Be
- Hepatitis C Antibody
- Hepatitis C RNA
- Hepatitis D Antibody
- Hepatitis E Virus
- High-risk Human Papilloma virus genotyping (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68)
- Histoplasmosis serology
- HIV screen test
- HIV Serology Test
- HIV Viral Load
- HLA Typing for Specific Loci
- HLA Typing for Transfusion or Transplant
- HLAB27
- HSV (Alpha Herpes Group) detection by PCR
- HSV Direct Detection
- Human Herpes Virus 6 PCR
- Legionella antigen
- Legionella Culture
- Leptospirosis serology
- Lyme disease serology
- Lymphocyte Subset Analysis (including T, B and NK cell subsets)
- Lymphoma protocol - Tissue specimens
- Lymphoproliferative Disorder
- Maternal Cell Contamination (MCC)
- Measles serology
- Measles Virus PCR
- Methylene Tetrahydrofolate reductase gene variant genotyping (C677T)
- MLL AFA t(4;11)
- Monospot
- Mouth swab for Virus Isolation
- Mumps serology
- Muscle biopsy for enzyme (neuropath, histochem) investigation
- Mycobacteria Culture
- Mycoplasma pneumoniae Chlamydophila pneumoniae
- Mycoplasma Ureaplasma Culture
- Nasopharyngeal swab for Bordetella pertussis
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae by PCR
- Neonatal HIV Serology Test
- Neonatal Nasopharyngeal Swab (NP) for Mycoplasma pneumonia Chlamydophila pneumoniae
- Nerve biopsy
- PAP liquid based preparation
- Parasites- other specimens
- Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria
- Parvovirus serology
- Pemphigus
- Pinworm preparation for Enterobius vermicularis
- Platelet Antibody Testing
- PML RARA t(15;17)
- PML RARA t(15;17) Flow cytometry
- Prothrombin Variant genotyping (G20210A)
- Rabies Virus Serology
- Red Cell Antibody Investigation
- Renal biopsy
- Rickettsia serology
- Rubella antibody
- Schistosoma Serology
- Serology fungus other
- Serology other bacterial
- Serology parasitic other
- Sigmoid aspirate for AFB, TB, MAI
- Sigmoid aspirate for Ova and Parasites
- Sigmoid aspirate for Vibrio Culture
- Skin for IF
- Skin scrapings, hair, nails for Dermatophytes
- Sputa, endotracheal aspirates, bronchial washings, BAL for AFB, TB, MAI
- Sputa, endotracheal aspirates, bronchial washings, BALs for Legionella
- Sputa, endotracheal aspirates, bronchial washings, BALs for Mycoplasma pneumoniae
- Sputa, endotracheal aspirates, bronchial washings, BALs for Virus Isolation
- Sputum
- Strongyloides Serology
- Surgical biopsies
- Surgical specimens - Large
- Surgical specimens - Small
- Synovial fluid - crystals
- Synovial Joint Fluid for AFB, TB, MAI
- Synovial Joint Fluid for Virus Isolation
- Syphilis Diagnostic - CSF
- Syphilis serology
- Syphilis, Direct Fluorescence Exam
- T- Cell clonality
- TB Culture
- T-Cell Subset Analysis
- Tetanus Serology
- Thiopurine Methyl Transferase Genotyping (G238C, G460A, A719G)
- Throat swab for C. diphtheriae
- Throat swab for Virus Isolation
- Tick Identification
- Tissue for AFB, TB, MAI
- Tissue for culture
- Torch serology
- Toxacara Serology
- Toxoplasmosis serology
- Trichinosis serology
- Tularensis serology
- Urine
- Urine cystoscopy
- Urine for Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis by PCR
- Urine or Urine Cystoscopy for AFB, TB, MAI
- Urine or Urine Cystoscopy for Legionella Antigen
- Urine or Urine Cystoscopy for Virus Isolation
- Uro-genital Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma Culture
Additional information
- Microbiology tests performed at Shared Hospital Labs
- Forms, collection instructions, ECG, etc.
- Collection Centre information details for registered Sunnybrook patients - please visit Sunnynet
- Do not take biotin before blood work (Patient and Family Education material)
- Common test codes & tube type