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Hospital  >  Departments  >  Medicine  >  Divisions  >  Nephrology  >  Clinics


Our clinical program provides excellent care to our patients, both in hospital and within the community. Our many innovations continue to improve program delivery and benefit the quality of life for the many patients in our program. Our new multidisciplinary renal management clinic and our nocturnal dialysis program are well poised to grow with new space that will positively impact our patient care.

Offsite, through the work of Dr. Oliver, we are affecting change in renal treatment throughout Canada. Dr. Oliver's program, Dialysis Measurement, Analysis and Reporting System (DMAR) tracks programmatic quality indicators, and has been recently adopted by the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) and the Manitoba Renal Program, and is increasing PD utilzation. Eight sites in Canada - equating to approximately 20% of all new dialysis starts nationally - now have their process of care for modality selection tracked in DMAR, which is funded by a $1.4 million grant over two years by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC).

In addition to the provision of general outpatient nephrology care, we have a host of specialized expert clinics:

  • General Nephrology Clinic - Dr. David Naimark
    This clinic is restricted to stage 4 or 5 CKD patients or proteinuric (> 1 g/D) diabetic patients, though special consideration will be given to patients with electrolyte disorders. Patients are seen in clinic by referral from a family physician or other sub-specialists.
    Fax referrals to: 416-480-7875
    Phone: 416-480-5590

  • General Nephrology Clinic - Dr. Gemini Tanna
    This clinic serves patients with all types of renal disease, electrolyte disorders, kidney stones and hypertension. The goal of the clinic is to identify, educate and delay progression of kidney disease. Referrals are accepted from family practice and other sub-specialists.
    Fax referrals to: 416-480-5270
    Phone: 416-480-5590

  • Glomerular-Based Disease Clinic - Dr. Michelle Hladunewich
    This clinic is dedicated to the care of patients with proteinuric renal disease (nephrotic or nephritic syndrome). Dr. Hladunewich is the Clinical Trials Director at the Toronto Glomerulonephritis Clinic and Registry at the University Health Network and sees patients at both sites. Referrals are accepted from family practice and other sub-specialists.
    Fax referral to: 416-480-5755
    Phone: 416-480-5590

  • HIV Renal Disease Clinic - Dr. Alireza Zahirieh
    The HIV Renal Disease Clinic offers timely, interprofessional renal care for patients with HIV infection. This clinic works in conjunction with an HIV Endocrine Clinic as well as a large HIV Infectious Disease Clinic. Referrals are accepted from family practice and other sub-specialists.
    Fax referral to: 416-480-7881
    Phone: 416-480-5590

  • Hypertension Clinic - Dr. Sheldon Tobe
    This clinic is restricted to patients with resistant hypertension and secondary hypertension with a focus on patients with renal artery stenosis and also those with chronic kidney disease. Special consideration will be given to patients participating in divisional research projects. Patients are seen in clinic by referral from a family physician or other subspecialists.
    Fax referrals to: 416-480-6940
    Phone: 416-480-5590

  • Kidney Care Clinic - Dr. Matthew Oliver, Director
    This interprofessional clinic sees patients with advanced kidney disease. The care team includes a physician (Drs. Oliver, Tanna, Naimark or Zahirieh), nurse practitioner, physician, dietitian, pharmacist, social work, and a dialysis access coordinator. The goals of the clinic are to reduce progression of kidney disease, manage complications of advanced kidney disease, and prepare patients and their families for dialysis, pre-emptive transplantation, or conservative management.
    Fax referral to: 416-480-5661
    Phone: 416-480-5590

  • Pregnancy and Kidney Disease (PreKID) Clinic - Dr. Michelle Hladunewich
    This clinic is run by Dr. Hladunewich who sees patients with maternal fetal medicine specialists at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and Mount Sinai Hospital. This clinic is dedicated to young women with either kidney disease or hypertension who are planning a pregnancy, require follow-up during pregnancy or who need immediate postpartum care. Referrals are accepted from family practice, obstetric medicine and other sub-specialists.
    Fax referral to: 416-480-5755
    Phone: 416-480-5590

For referral information, please expand the clinic information above.

Specialized clinics

Contact information for specialized clinics can be found by clicking on the approporiate drop-down option found at the bottom of this page. 

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Nephrology division

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Kidney Care Centre at the CNIB Centre
1929 Bayview Ave., 3rd floor
Toronto, ON M4G 3E8

416-480-6100 ext. 63863


Division Head:
Dr. Matthew Oliver

Dialysis unit

Phone: 416-480-4488

Fax: 416-480-4485

Appointments »

All appointments (including questions about, or changes to appointments) MUST be coordinated by your care team. Clinic patients are now seen at the CNIB Satellite Centre, with the exception of the HIV Renal Disease Clinic, and the Pregnancy and Kidney Disease (PreKID) Clinic; these two clinics remain at Sunnybrook's (main) Bayview Campus.

Clinics »

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Each of our clinics manage their own referral process. Please refer to our clinic information page for referral details and documentation requirements.

Research & trials »