Department of Psychiatry

Our impact

In Canada, 1.2 million youth struggle with mental health issues, however just one in five receives the care they need.

Since 2013, the Family Navigation Project (FNP) has navigated for over 4,500 youth and their families.

FNP helps more than 700 new clients each year.

Clients can be youth, a parent, a sibling, a caregiver.

Over 85% of our contact is primarily with caregivers and we have demonstrated effectiveness even when a youth has low motivation to get help.

The average length of navigation is 4-6 months.

Approximately 15-20% of FNP clients “reactivate” with us through their youth’s journey and as things may change.

88% of clients believe the navigator suggested the most appropriate service for their needs.

90% of clients would recommend FNP to family/friends.

There is significant demand for FNP’s service across Ontario: An estimated 260,000 families in Ontario can benefit from Navigation support for mental health and/or addictions.