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Provider Search

Health-care worker holding a tablet
Hospital  >  Patients & Visitors  >  Hospital resources  >  Find a health-care provider

Find a health-care provider

While patient recovery and healing continues outside of the hospital, it can be challenging to find a local health-care provider after a surgery or procedure. In order to help improve your care journey, we’ve partnered with Lumino Health to provide the search tool below. You may find this tool helpful in searching for a health-care provider, whether the care is provided virtually, or in person, closer to home. You can find a psychologist, physiotherapist, massage therapist and more to continue your care after you leave the hospital.


This database is provided for informational purposes only. The providers listed should not be viewed as the only or best available options. This database contains information about third party providers not affiliated with Sunnybrook. Sunnybrook makes no representations, warranties or guarantees, express or implied, as to the appropriates or quality of providers, services or programs accessed from this database. This database is not a substitute for urgent medical care. For immediate medical assistance, contact your local emergency department or dial 911.


This database is provided on an “as is” basis. By using this database, you assume all responsibility and risk including any programs and services accessed as a result. In using this database, you hereby release from liability, and agree not to sue, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, and its officers, directors, employees, agents and physicians, for all claims, injuries, losses, damages, expenses, demands, actions, and other causes of action of any kind, related to your use of this database, including your reliance on the information provided and the referred providers, programs and services.