Orthopaedic surgeons Dr. Paul Wong from Michael Garron Hospital and Dr. Markku Nousiainen from Sunnybrook  outside Sunnybrook’s Holland Centre

Our service

What we offer patients in Ontario who need hip or knee replacement surgery

From left to right: Dr. Markku Nousiainen (orthopaedic surgeon, Sunnybrook’s Holland Centre), Barbara McArthur (operating room manager, Holland Centre), Dr. Paul Wong (orthopaedic surgeon, Michael Garron Hospital)

We are working together to improve your access to surgery.

We are a collaboration of Toronto hospitals – specifically, Michael Garron Hospital, Sunnybrook’s Holland Centre, Sinai Health and Unity Health – working together to help reduce your wait time for hip and knee replacement surgery in Ontario, with the support of Ontario Health.

By opening its operating room (OR) on weekends, the Holland Centre is providing pre-scheduled access to orthopaedic surgeons from other TRAC partnering hospitals – which will increase the number of patients who can receive arthroplasty surgery – 1,335 more patients a year – and shorten everyone’s wait.

On the referral form for an appointment with a Rapid Access Clinic in the Toronto area, you (and your primary care practitioner submitting it on your behalf) have a choice of one of the following options:

  1. You may select Sunnybrook’s Holland Orthopaedic & Arthritic Centre, Michael Garron Hospital, Mount Sinai Hospital, St. Joseph’s Health Centre or St. Michael’s Hospital as your preferred hospital
    If you select Michael Garron Hospital, Mount Sinai Hospital, St. Joseph’s Health Centre or St. Michael’s Hospital, and if you go on to have surgery, your surgery may be scheduled to take place at the Holland Centre on a weekend date
  2. You may select the next available appointment in the Toronto region.
    This means you could potentially be directed to Sunnybrook or any of the four other hospital partners in the existing Toronto Region centralized referral process. If you are referred to one of the partnering hospitals or or Sunnybrook’s Holland Centre and are proceeding to surgery, you may be scheduled on a weekend date at Sunnybrook’s Holland Centre.

By choosing either option, you will receive the full spectrum of care involved.

Michael Garron hospital  Unity Health

Sinai Health  Sunnybrook hospital

Toronto Regional Arthroplasty Collaborative is a partnership between Sunnybrook’s Holland Centre, Michael Garron Hospital, Sinai Health and Unity Health.