Important wayfinding information for patients visiting G-Wing. Read more »

Orthopaedic surgeons Dr. Paul Wong from Michael Garron Hospital and Dr. Markku Nousiainen from Sunnybrook  outside Sunnybrook’s Holland Centre

Orthopaedic surgeons Dr. Paul Wong (left) from Michael Garron Hospital and Dr. Markku Nousiainen (right) from Sunnybrook outside Sunnybrook’s Holland Centre - Ontario’s “Centre of Excellence” for hip and knee replacements

Welcome to the Toronto Regional Arthroplasty Collaborative

We are a partnership of hospitals in the Toronto area that have come together to help reduce your wait time for hip and knee surgery.

By opening our operating room on weekends at Sunnybrook’s Holland Centre, our orthopaedic specialists are joining forces to provide a faster path to hip or knee replacement surgery and care.

We are committed to providing you with better access to hip and knee surgery.

We will ensure that you continue to receive the highest-quality of care and that you are supported before, during, and after surgery.

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Available now: referral form and information here!

Michael Garron hospital  Unity Health

Sinai Health  Sunnybrook hospital

Toronto Regional Arthroplasty Collaborative is a partnership between Sunnybrook’s Holland Centre, Michael Garron Hospital, Sinai Health and Unity Health.

Orthopaedic surgeons Dr. Paul Wong (right) from Michael Garron Hospital and Dr. Markku Nousiainen (left) inside the OR.