Holland Bone and Joint Program
Hospital  >  Care Programs  >  Holland Bone and Joint Program  >  Referral information  >  Care pathways, research and innovation posters

Care pathways, research and innovation posters


New Assessment Model for Hip and Knee Replacement

Preventing Falls Within An Orthopaedic Setting: A Step Forward

Building Human Resource Capacity & Improving Access Through an APP Role

Innovation At Work  - Posters

Anesthesia Care Team: The Model for Optimal Health

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Transforming Surgical Follow-up Care Through New Provider Roles:
Advanced Practice Physiotherapists at the Holland Centre

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Toronto Central LHIN Hip & Knee Referral Tracking System:
Supporting Timely Access to Care

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A Structured Approach to Determining Nursing Staff Mix

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Post Discharge Pain Follow-up in Elective Primary Total Knee and Total Hip Arthroplasty

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