Schulich Heart Program - COVID-19 Information

Here you can find information about COVID-19 that is specific to Schulich Heart Program patients. For all general information about COVID-19 from Sunnybrook, please visit

Important note about visitors

In order to ensure the safety of our patients and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, Sunnybrook is limiting the number of visitors in the hospital.

» View our current visitor guidelines

This is a rapidly evolving situation, and updates to this information might occur daily. Please check back often.

- Last updated April 1, 2021

Why was my procedure postponed?

Throughout the pandemic, the hospital may need to implement service reductions at times in order to be able to care for patients that require urgent and emergency care. If your procedure is impacted by service changes, a member of your health-care team will contact you. Your health-care team will contact you as soon as your procedure can be rescheduled. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please contact your health-care team.

We understand this is not an ideal situation, and we appreciate your understanding during this time.

Is my appointment at the Schulich Heart Centre cancelled?

Your physician/clinic office will contact you if there are any changes to your appointment. Despite the pandemic, we are continuing to provide care to our cardiac and vascular patients. While Sunnybrook is safe and remains open to our patients, we are taking precautionary steps during the COVID-19 pandemic to limit the number of people in the hospital during this time. This includes physical distancing.

Please note: Visitors and companions for outpatient appointments are not permitted at this time, until further notice.

What are you doing to protect us? We have coronary heart disease or hypertension and that may put us at higher risk of serious complications from COVID-19.

Our Infection Prevention & Control team is diligent in ensuring the best practices are maintained to protect our patients, visitors and staff. This includes cleaning surfaces often, limiting visitors and using the proper personal protective equipment when needed. We are also encouraging our physicians to consider virtual appointments so that you can access care from home, if possible. When that is not possible, we ensure all protocols are followed to protect you while you are on site.

How can I get to the Schulich Heart Centre?

You can enter and be screened at the M-Wing doors (M1 - main hospital entrance). Please practice hand hygiene as you move throughout the hospital between appointments.

My friend / family member is an in-patient on a cardiac unit. Can I still visit?

In order to ensure the safety of our patients and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, Sunnybrook is limiting the number of visitors in the hospital. View our current visitor guidelines.

I don’t feel well. Is it COVID-19? What do I do?

If you have difficulty breathing or other severe symptoms and need immediate medical help, please call 9-1-1.

If you feel slightly unwell, please call the nursing line at 416-480-5000 for an assessment.

View all information about COVID-19