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Lymphedema Clinic

Lymphedema is swelling that is caused by a large amount of lymph fluid in the tissues. This swelling can be the result of a tumor, surgery or radiation.

Past and current Odette Cancer Centre patients who may have lymphedema can be referred to our Lymphedema Clinic, which is staffed by a specialized oncology nurse and an occupational therapist.

At our clinic, patients attend a group class for general information about lymphedema and then have a one-on-one appointment ato be assessed by our team.

Our team will then provide recommendations on how to prevent and/or manage your lymphedema. These recommendations may include: compression garments, physical therapy, or lymphatic drainage massage.

Please Note:

  • Lymphatic drainage massage does not take place in our clinic. Our team will help connect you with a care provider for that service.
  • The cost of your compression garment or sleeve may be covered by the Assistive Devices Program (ADP) of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, which provides funding assistance for compression garments and sleeves for chronic lymphedema management as well as sequential extremity pumps for primary lymphedema management. 

Who can visit the Odette Cancer Centre Lymphedema Clinic?

If you received any cancer care or treatment at Odette Cancer Centre and now have lymphedema, you can visit the Lymphedema Clinic. A physician referral is required. Your oncologist can refer you if you are currently in treatment. Your family doctor can also refer you.

Physicians: Please rule out disease progression, new disease or DVT before referral and please provide relevant imaging with referral form if applicable. 

Patient education resource

Get more resources about lymphedema and how to manage it »


The National Lymphedema Network has resources for both patients and health care providers, including position papers on risk reduction, exercise and treatment.

The Lymphedema Association Of Ontario is the local resource for patients.