Important wayfinding information for patients visiting the CONNECT Clinic »


Welcome to the Odette Cancer Centre

What you need to know for your visits to the Odette Cancer Centre. 

If you or a family member feel more comfortable speaking in a language other than English you may need a professional interpreter.

Interpreters can improve your communication with your healthcare provider by allowing both parties to speak easily in their own language.

Using interpretation services at your medical appointment will not affect your personal privacy and confidentiality. We have taken steps to ensure that everyone who performs services for us protects your privacy and only uses your personal health information for the purposes you have consented to.

Please let your health care team know at least three business days in advance of your appointment if you need interpretation services or visit to fill in the online form.

Using this guide:

Download a PDF of this guide or read it online by using the navigation links at the bottom of each page.

Important phone numbers:Telephone icon.

Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Call the Odette Cancer Centre at 416-480-5000.

To change or confirm your appointment. For any questions about your cancer-related symptoms, cancer treatment or any other health concerns.
Outside of these hours and on weekends and Statutory Holidays (24 hours a day)

Call the After-Hours Telephone Line at 1-877-681-3057.

If you are on a clinical trial, do not call the After-Hours Telephone Line. Call the number given to you by your health care team.
For questions about your cancer-related symptoms.

In case of emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.

Exclamation icon.Visit to find information about cancer, treatment, side effects, supports and more. If you have any questions or cannot find the information you are looking for, please email us at

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