
The information presented on this page illustrates general concepts and provides an overview of common side effects; however, some rare events may have been excluded. For more information, speak with a member of your oncology team, or consult Cancer Care Ontario’s website.

» Why am I being prescribed fulvestrant injections?

Fulvestrant (Faslodex®) is prescribed to women who have estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer that has spread beyond the breast to other parts of the body. It is used to:
  • Shrink your breast cancer.
  • Stop it from spreading to other parts of the body.

» If I still get a menstrual period, can I use this drug?

Fulvestrant is prescribed to women who have gone through menopause and have stopped having menstrual periods for more than one year. If you have had a menstrual period in the past year, you will need to get an injection every 4 weeks to stop your periods OR need surgery to remove your ovaries

» How do I take this medication?

You will get fulvestrant as an injection into each of your buttocks given by a trained nurse or doctor. Your healthcare team will book appointments for your injections:
  • The first 3 injections of fulvestrant are given every 14 days.
  • After the first 3 injections fulvestrant is given every 28 days.

» What are the side effects of fulvestrant and how can I manage them?

Pain and irritation at the injection site
  • You may get red, itchy and bruised at the injection site. This will get better over time.
  • You can put a heating pad on the injection site to help with pain.
Hot flashes
  • You may get flushing in the face, sweat and feel warm after you start this medication.
  • Wear light clothes and avoid alcohol, caffeine, and sugar to reduce symptoms.
  • Exercise helps reduce these symptoms.

» Can I take this medication with other medications or natural health products?

Some natural health products contain estrogen and should not be used while taking fulvestrant. Speak with a pharmacist and/or your doctor before you take other prescription medications, supplements, or natural health products.

» What should I do if I feel unwell on this medication?

Severe side effects are rare with fulvestrant. If you are worried that your symptoms might be caused by this medication, tell your nurse or doctor right away.

If your symptoms are caused by fulvestrant another medication can be prescribed.

» How does this medication work?

Approximately 80 per cent of breast cancers have 'estrogen receptors' (ER) on the cancer cells. These ER+ cancers are fed by the female hormone estrogen, which attaches to the ER. Fulvestrant blocks and destroys estrogen receptors on ER+ breast cancer cells, which can stop the cancer from growing.

For more information, visit: Odette Cancer Centre
2075 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M4N 3M5

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