Hospital  >  Care Programs  >  Odette Cancer Program  >  Skin cancer care  >  About skin cancer care  >  Your First Visit

Your First Visit

  • You will be referred to our Skin Clinic if your dermatologist or plastic surgeon has diagnosed non-melanoma skin cancer.
  • Before your first visit, our clinic team will phone you to confirm your appointment time.
  • When you arrive at Odette Cancer Centre, please check in at the Main Reception Desk on the 1st floor. The receptionist will direct you to the Skin Clinic.
  • At the Skin Clinic, have a seat and the staff will come out and greet you when they are ready to take you in.
  • Your first visit will be a consult with our multidisciplinary team of up to four or more people.
  • Your first visit may take up to 2 hours, so allow yourself enough time.
  • You will leave the clinic with a treatment plan and an appointment date for treatment for your cancer.
  • Please bring your medication list with you and your health card.
  • You are welcome to bring a family member or friend to your appointment with you. It can be useful to have someone with you to take notes and remind you later of what was said in the appointment.

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