Sunnybrook 2018-21: Planning our future together

Draft goals and objectives

We want to hear from you!

Please review our draft goals and objectives for each of the four Strategic Directions below. Then, share your thoughts by posting a comment at the bottom of this page, or by emailing us at

Personalized and Precise Treatments

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1. Advance support for discovery & technology development in molecular and image guided diagnostics and therapeutics; and population health research and analytics

Targeted investments and achievement in:

    1. the development and optimization of molecular and image guided technologies
    2. image analysis technologies
    3. infrastructure to collect, structure and analyze data

2. Lead in the translation and implementation of new personalized and precise diagnostics and minimally invasive interventions

a. Enhance clinical trials and shared infrastructure to enable assessment and validation of novel personalized medicine interventions across all program areas

b. Develop minimally invasive treatment modalities using image-guided therapeutics

c. Expand clinical application opportunities that leverage current image-guided technologies

d. Develop diagnostics, evaluations and treatments at the point of care

e. Streamline tech transfer, business development and commercialization

3. Lead in the adoption and spread of new models of care in personalized and precise diagnostics and therapeutics

a. Create, test, evaluate and implement new care models inclusive of screening, assessment, diagnosis, therapy and delivery

b. Implement clinical decision support tools into clinical workflow

c. Advocate and promote adoption across the health system internationally

Integrated and Sustainable Models of Care

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1. Work with local partners to create an integrated health system in the North Toronto sub-region

a. Create a shared action plan with our partners to address the priority needs of the North Toronto sub region

b. Develop integrated models of care that reduce the need for hospitalization

2.Lead in transitions of care

a. Develop cross-organizational care pathways

b. Enhance transitions of care through improved processes, communication, and information sharing

c. Work with our provider partners to enhance system capacity in providing care following treatment at Sunnybrook

Creating a Better Care Experience

Learn more about this Strategic Direction »



1. Demonstrate leadership in advancing quality practices through partnerships that produce better care outcomes

a. Achieve top performance in established national/international quality metrics

b. Catalyze QI collaboratives aimed at improving care outcomes at Sunnybrook, and across the system

2. Engaging patients to create new and innovative opportunities in care delivery, research and education

a. Improve care, research and education by engaging patients in co-design

3. Create a better care experience through empowering patients.

a. Enable patients and families to navigate their care and better manage their health

b. Strengthen our commitment to person-centred and compassionate care​

High Performing Teams

Learn more about this Strategic Direction »



1. Enhance high performing teams at Sunnybrook

a. Cultivate and promote a safe, diverse and creative working environment that allow teams to flourish

b. Expand team based education and infrastructure

c. Develop a performance improvement framework for teams that focuses on both performance and outcomes

2. Promote the development of Team Ontario with our partners

a. Build leadership capacity and capability at Sunnybrook to lead teams that will create a comprehensive and integrated health care system

b. Work with our partners to advance shared health system initiatives that span the continuum of care and promote integration