Trauma Care and Recovery Guide
Hospital  >  Care Programs  >  Tory Trauma Program  >  Trauma  >  Trauma patient education  >  Trauma care and recovery: A guide for patients and families  >  Patient-care units for trauma patients

Patient-care units for trauma patients

"Ward" Care

When your loved one is ready to come to the patient-care units (wards), this means that they do not need the ICU and are more medically stable. On a ward, patients are cared for by nurses who look after 3 or 4 patients during the day and 5 or 6 patients at night.

Most Sunnybrook trauma patients are cared for on C5, which is the specialized trauma ward, located on the 5th Floor of C-Wing of the hospital.

However, your loved one may be cared for on other patient-care units in the hospital, such as D5, D6 and C6. The teams on C5 and the other patient-care units are experts in caring for patients with serious injuries and helping them progress in their journey towards recovery.

Visiting guidelines

Visitor information, including visiting hours

  • Visiting hours for the patient-care units are from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • The doors to enter into C5 are always locked for the safety of some patients who may wander.
  • You can get into the ward through the locked double doors near the C5 main elevator.
  • Please press the doorbell which can be found on the right side of the doors.
  • In order to respect other patients, we ask that there are only 2 visitors at a time. Other visitors can wait in the cafeteria or other areas of the hospital and take turns visiting the patient, 2 at a time.
  • Our goal is to reduce noise in the ward. Visitors should speak quietly to each other and while using cell phones.

Rooms in the Patient-Care Units

About the rooms

  • The patient-care units have a combination of private (one bed) and semi-private (two or three beds) rooms.
  • Women and men may share the same room.
  • Rooms are often chosen based on medical needs. So a request for a specific room may not always be possible.
  • There are only a few private rooms. They are usually used for patients who need to be in a room by themselves for medical reasons.

In-room services

Telephone icon


A bedside phone is available for use.

Wifi icon


There is free wireless Internet access for patients and visitors. To access the Wi-Fi service, connect to the SW_Guest network. Please note: Sometimes the Wi-Fi signal is weaker in certain parts of the hospital and when many people are using the service at the same time.

Items not provided to you in patient-care units

Icons of personal care items

  • Please consider bringing the following items from home because they are not provided by the hospital: pajamas, bathrobe, non-slip footwear, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and shampoo.
  • You might want to bring in some personal items to keep you, or your loved one busy, such as a cellphone, reading material, crosswords, clock radio and music with headphones.
  • Some of these items can be found in the hospital Gift Shop, located in M-Wing, 1st Floor.

Who to call

To reach the nursing station in the patient care units, call the following phone numbers:

For C5: 416-480-4187
For C6: 416-480-4945
For D5: 416-480-4309
For D6: 416-480-4303