Student Centre - Education
Education  >  Student Centre  >  Placements, Rotations & Observerships  >  Educational observership  >  Guidelines for students

Guidelines for students

For students including:

  • High school: Grade 9 – Grade 12
  • Community college, CEGEP, or vocational
  • University: Undergraduate
  • University: Graduate and PhD

  • All observers must be in good standing at a recognized school/college/vocational training program or institution.
  • The maximum time allowed for student educational observerships is 30 days.
  • The departments of Medical Education, Nursing Education, Health Professions Education and the VP Education Office do not routinely engage in finding supervisors for observers. 
  • Approved observers and their supervisors must sign documentation which acknowledges that:
    • No patient contact can occur while being an observer.  For clarification, this also implies that the observer cannot scrub in the operating room.
    • The observer will adhere to the confidentiality guidelines stated on the educational observership application form.
    • It is understood that informed consent will be obtained prior to every observership and it is within the rights of the patient to refuse requests for observation during visits.
    • The observer must display photo identification, which will identify the individual as an Observer. The photo identification must be worn at all times in the hospital.
  • The Vice President, Education (or delegate) will review all Educational Observer applications. The application is required to be submitted to Medical Education at least 30 days in advance of the start date of the Observership.

The supervisor

  • Is responsible for coordinating the educational observership application process. Observer applications must be reviewed by the Department Chief to confirm that existing commitments to Learners are not compromised. 
  • Must attest to the fact that the presence of the observer will not detract from the teaching of other registered learners.
  • Is accountable to ensure the observer acknowledges and adheres to hospital policy and procedures as it relates to the educational observership.


Observers are responsible for their own:

  • Accommodation and food
  • Transportation
  • Health insurance
  • Liability insurance
  • Personal safety insurance

Documentation checklist

  • Completed application forms
  • Current curriculum vitae/resume
  • Copy of recent immunization record OR completed immunization form

To apply

Please submit completed forms to:
Postgraduate Medical Education Office E324