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X-ray training

X-ray training for Sunnybrook and Sunnybrook Research Institute.

SHSC/SRI X-Ray Safety Training Matrix:

Group to be trained


How delivered?

How often repeated?

Physician operators of fluoro equipment (includes staff, fellows, residents)

Operator Responsibilities



X-Ray properties

Radiation Biology

X-ray safety basics: time, distance, shielding



General safety

Beam Management

Situational Awareness

This group requires 2 courses:

Link: X-ray Safety Training for Medical X-ray

- under “special training courses for equipment operators”, select “Physician Training – UHN, MSH, WCH and affiliates – LEVEL 1”

- review the course (note that there is narration, so have your computer speakers on)

- take the quiz, save the results and e-mail these to the RPO designate

Link: X-ray Safety Training for Medical X-ray

- under “special training courses for equipment operators”, select “Physician Training – Dose management – LEVEL 2”

- review the course (note that there is narration, so have your computer speakers on)

- take the quiz, save the results and e-mail these to the RPO designate

Every 3 years

Non-operator nurse/support staff in rooms during fluoro

Risk to staff; methods of minimizing personal dose while performing duties

Link: X-ray Safety Training for Medical X-ray

- under “X-ray Safety Training Courses for Medical Workers”, select “audioseminar: Basic OH and S”

- narration, so have your computer speakers on)

- take the quiz, save the results and e-mail these to the RPO designate

Every 3 years

Non-physician clinical operators of x-ray emitting devices (i.e., x-ray technologists, dental technicians)

Risks to staff & patients; diagnostic reference levels; methods of maintaining image quality while minimizing dose

Link: X-ray Safety Training for Medical X-ray

- under “X-ray Safety Training Courses for Medical Workers”, select “audioseminar: Basic OH and S for MRTs and Support Personnel”

- review the course (note that there is narration, so have your computer speakers on)

- take the quiz, save the results and e-mail these to the RPO designate

Every 3 years

Research users of cabinet x-ray emitting devices (e.g. faxitron type)

Risk versus dose; methods of reducing dose to operator and surrounding staff

Link: X-ray Safety Training for Non-Medical Users

- under “non-medical x-ray safety training by device type”, select “cabinet”

- review the course (note that there is narration, so have your computer speakers on)

- take the quiz, save the results and e-mail these to the RPO designate

Every 3 years

Research users of fluoroscopic x-ray emitting devices

Risk versus dose; methods of reducing dose to operator and surrounding staff

Link: X-ray Safety Training for Non-Medical Users

- under “non-medical x-ray safety training by device type”, select “Basic Mobile Fluoroscopy”

- review the course (note that there is narration, so have your computer speakers on)

- take the quiz, save the results and e-mail these to the RPO designate

Every 3 years