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Hospital news

Tuesday, December 10, 2019 Does being on a path to diabetes affect your brain? Obesity and high blood sugar, among other traits, linked to changes in brain blood flow and poorer memory: study
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Thursday, December 5, 2019 Dr. Michelle Hladunewich honoured by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Sunnybrook Physician-in-Chief has transformed the management of patients with pregnancy-related kidney disorders and glomerular disease
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Wednesday, December 4, 2019 North Toronto Ontario Health Team to improve coordination of care The Ontario government has announced the North Toronto Ontario Health Team will move forward with building a connected health care system, making it easier for patients and families to navigate the system and transition between providers.
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Tuesday, December 3, 2019 CV: Dr. Marina Wasilewski Dr. Wasilewski is a scientist in the St. John’s Rehab Research Program at Sunnybrook Research Institute (SRI).
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Friday, November 29, 2019 Sunnybrook led the first 'GTA Unified' emergency preparedness exercise The exercise involved 34 participating organizations, including 22 hospitals
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