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Sunnybrook leads in digital health innovation

August 8, 2014

Finance Minister and Sunnybrook PresidentSunnyCare demonstrationJohn CarmichaelMichael Green

Sunnybrook has been recognized as a national leader for its use of SunnyCare, an electronic medical record (EMR) system designed to provide authorized clinicians with quick and easy access to patient medical information on desktop computer workstations and mobile devices.

"I applaud Sunnybrook for developing SunnyCare, an essential tool to improve patient outcomes," said the Honourable Joe Oliver, Minister of Finance and Minister responsible for the Greater Toronto Area. "Sunnybrook has a rich history of igniting innovation in health care, and I am proud to recognize the leadership it has demonstrated with the federal investments made through Canada Health Infoway."

Sunnybrook is one of seven health care providers across Canada to receive the LEADing Practice Award from Canada Health Infoway (Infoway), in partnership with Accreditation Canada, for demonstrating leadership in the advanced use of technology in clinical practice. The award is part of Infoway's pan-Canadian "Knowing is Better" clinician education campaign developed to generate broad awareness of the benefits of interconnected electronic health record systems in clinical practice across Canada.

» Read the full news item on the Infoway website

Finance Minister and Sunnybrook President