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Sunnybrook achieves its Gift of 8 goal!

March 11, 2013

From March 4 to 8, Sunnybrook participated in the Trillium Gift of Life Network's Gift of 8 Workplace initiative, which provides a way for organizations to encourage staff to become registered organ and tissue donors. The "Gift of 8" movement is based on the fact that a single organ donor can save up to 8 lives.

We are very pleased to report that we had 501 visits to our campaign page by colleagues who registered their consent to organ and tissue donation, or who checked their registration status! This met our goal of 500 visits and we are very proud of this support and commitment to saving lives in Ontario.

This campaign provides a great opportunity to discuss organ and tissue donation with your family. When given evidence of a loved one's decision to donate, families almost always honour this decision. If there is no evidence of the decision, consent falls to 50% — demonstrating just how vital it is to share your decision with your family. 

You can also find out more about organ and tissue donation by visiting

If you haven't had the chance to register yet, it's not too late! Our campaign page is permanently available and you can register at any time. Why not take two minutes today and visit to do so. 

One tissue donor can enhance the lives of up to 75 people. Watch one burn patient's story: