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Q and A with a cardiovascular nurse

November 18, 2013

Kadra Mahamed is a cardiovascular nurse and clinical instructor. She was featured in the Fall 2013 edition Sunnybrook Magazine. We caught up with her for a Q and A about her educational journey.

When did you realize you wanted to become a nurse?
In my final year of high school I did a three-month co-op placement at Sunnybrook, in the cardiovascular intensive care unit (CVICU). I was already interested in pursuing a career in health care, but that experience helped me decide I wanted to be a nurse.

How did you choose Sunnybrook?
Just as I finished my co-op placement, I got a job as a patient service associate in the CVICU. Being able to work part-time in the unit while pursing my nursing degree was invaluable. While I learned theory in the classroom, I also saw the practical side of care in the unit with the patients. The experience really helped prepare me for my nursing career.

Did you know early on that you wanted to work in the CVICU?
Ever since my co-op placement, I knew that I enjoyed working there. So, I was really happy when two years after graduation, I was hired as a nurse back in the CVICU. Making my way back the same unit I had started in a decade ago was no accident- I worked hard throughout my education and made choices during my career that would help take me back to the CVICU.

What do you like the most about working in the CVICU?
I've always really enjoyed working with the patient population in that unit. Helping them recover from heart surgery and seeing the progress they make is so rewarding. I also love working with the staff in the CVICU. They have known me since the beginning, and they've supported me so much over the years. They are proud of what I've accomplished in my career, and I've learned a lot from them.

What did your education path look like?
After finishing my nursing degree at Ryerson, I decided to do a Master of Arts degree in Education at Central Michigan University. The courses were held on weekends at George Brown College, so I was able to stay in Toronto and continue working. It was hard work, but definitely worth it. My passion for learning has evolved into a passion for teaching. In addition to my role at Sunnybrook, I'm now also a clinical instructor at Centennial College for the Registered Practical Nurse program.

Teachers, both in the classroom and in the hospital, were so important in helping me get where I am today. I'm excited to pass my knowledge along to the next generation of learners.

Read more about Kadra in the Sunnybrook Magazine. (Fall 2013 edition, page 5)

- Sybil Edmonds

Kadra Mahamed