Front Lines

Sunnybrook has received an overwhelming number of offers from the community to help deliver meals to our front-line staff while at work. A committee quickly came together with representatives from across the hospital to ensure your generosity was put to use in the safest and most efficient way possible.

Thanks to generous support, we have now delivered a remarkable 6,000 meals to Sunnybrook staff across 140 teams on all three campuses and two sites. Here’s what a few of our staff had to say:

“On behalf of the staff at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Neurovascular Unit, I want to thank you for the kindness and thoughtfulness to donate the delicious meals to our unit. We all enjoyed them so much and felt the love and support.”

— Florence, Patient Care Manager, Neurovascular Unit

“Everyone was extremely touched by your thoughtfulness and generosity. The meals were delicious and much enjoyed!”

— Lucy, Project Manager, Holland Centre

“Thank you for providing us with a lovely meal to recognize our hard work. We truly appreciate the gesture. The food was great!”

— Seema, Nurse, Cardiac Intensive Care Unit

“The warm pasta lunch was excellent and was certainly appreciated by our team. This act really reflects the wonderful generosity and support of our communities for front line health-care workers and everyone who is navigating this challenging time. We appreciate your support and all that you are doing to help brighten the day of the many teams working together to get through this difficult time.”

— Carolyn, Manager, Working Condition Program, Holland Centre

Rose Awards