Department of Psychiatry
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Patient Education: Diseases Conditions Treatments & Procedures



A cataract - a clouding of our natural eye lens - usually affects both eyes and can occur anytime. Age, smoking and injury are some of the causes and protecting your eyes by wearing UV protection (sunglasses) and stopping smoking are some preventative measures. It might be necessary to seek treatment when you’re no longer comfortable reading, when you can’t see well enough to drive and when your mobility is impacted because you cannot see properly. Treatment includes surgery. Fortunately, cataract removal is one of the safest, most effective and most common surgical procedures.

They generally don't cause surface irritation or pain. 

Most cataracts develop slowly and don't disturb your eyesight early on. But as the clouding progresses, the cataract eventually interferes with your vision.

Symptoms of a cataract include: Clouded, blurred or dim vision, Increasing difficulty with vision at night, Sensitivity to light and glare, Halos around lights.