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Centre for Preterm Birth Studies

Optimizing Mothers' Milk for Preterm Infants (OptiMom) Program of Research: Study 2-Bovine vs. Human Milk-Based Fortifier Study


Preterm Birth


Clinical Trial


Lead: Eugene Ng

This is a multi-centre trial of premature infants born less than 1250 grams and less than 2 weeks of age. Premature infants require enrichment of breast milk to optimize growth. In this study, infants will be randomized to receive a human milk based fortifier versus the standard cow’s milk based fortifier to enrich their breast milk until the infant reaches 7 weeks of age or when he/she is discharged home. The study aimed at comparing these two forms of fortifier and see if infants will reach full feeds faster, and to compare which group achieves better weight gain. The study also compares the two groups in terms of the incidence of complications associated with prematurity such as blood stream infections and chronic lung disease.