Department of Psychiatry
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Patient Education: Diseases Conditions Treatments & Procedures

Prosthesis Care

Elasticised Shrinker Sock


  • To help reduce post operative swelling for new trans-tibial amputees.
  • To begin to shape the residual limb to assist with the fitting of a preliminary prosthetic device.
  • To give support to the incision and soft tissues.

What is it?

  • The shrinker sock is an elasticised open ended tube sock, with a tie-off making one section longer than the other.

To Apply

  • Slide the longest end of elasticised sock over the residuum to above the knee. There should be no wrinkles.
  • The second layer of sock is then reflected back over the tie-off and the first layer. The proximal borders should always ben different by approximately 1-2 inches.


  • Try to keep the sock wrinkle free.
  • Initially the patient may only tolerate the pressure of a single layer of the elasticised sock.
  • To begin, the shrinker sock should only be worn 2-3 hours and then remove and rest the residual limb for 1/2-1 hour. Then reapply. As the wound and the patient's residuum become more tolerant the period of wearing may gradually increase.

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