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Honouring the Journey of Well-Being: Smudge and Sharing Circle launch celebration

February 12, 2020

Sunnybrook staff participates in a smudging ceremony. Sweetgrass, sage and cedar (along with a feather). Dr. Michael Anderson leans over a blue-clothed table. Sweetgrass sits in a black cast iron skillet. Clay Shirt prepares to light sage.

Sunnybrook launched the pilot program Honouring the Journey of Well-Being: Smudge and Sharing Circle on Feb. 10 in partnership with the Toronto Central Regional Cancer Program and Indigenous Cancer Program.

The six-month program will welcome Sunnybrook staff, patients and visitors to participate in a smudge and sharing circle. It will provide a space to learn about Indigenous approaches to wellness, sacred medicines and ceremonial practices from Elders, Traditional Healers and Knowledge Keepers. This Indigenous approach to knowledge sharing is a safe space to learn and ask questions.

Future Honouring the Journey of Well-Being dates:

All are welcome.