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Plan Ahead for Traffic Delays on Bayview Avenue

May 2, 2024

Pavement Resurfacing on Bayview Avenue - Lane Reductions

If you are visiting the Bayview Campus, please plan ahead. The City of Toronto is planning to resurface the pavement on Bayview Avenue from Roehampton Avenue to 30 meters north of Armistice Drive.

Lanes will be reduced and motorists are reminded that bicycles and cars will be sharing the lane. When driving, please be mindful of vulnerable road users.

The City will start working from the Kilgour Road intersection and go southerly to south of Roehampton Avenue on Monday, May 6. They do not expect to start the work near the two major intersections of the hospital before mid-June or later.

Inspection of the road shows that it needs repaving, and sections of damaged curb and sidewalk need to be replaced to bring them to a state of good repair. The City will also perform traffic signal upgrades at all Bayview Avenue signalized intersection within project limits.

Additionally, pedestrian improvements will take place at these intersections, with the installation of tactile walking surface indicators, curb radius reduction, and re-alignment of crosswalks:

  • Roehampton Avenue
  • Craig Crescent
  • Glazebrook Avenue
  • Broadway Avenue
  • Glenvale Boulevard
  • Sunnydene Crescent
  • Blythwood Road/Wellness Way
  • Hargrave Lane/Armistice Drive

Improvements to the roadway also includes closure of all bus lay byes within the project limits except the lay byes north of Kilgour Road and installation of median islands at 120 meters north of Kilgour Road.

You can view the complete City of Toronto notice and a map of the work area here.