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Q and A with education champion Tracey Rapier

August 21, 2014

Tracey Rapier has been at Sunnybrook for more than 11 years. She has worked as a dietitian in the Cardiology department and the Medical Out Patient Clinic, and has been working for 8 years in the Odette Cancer Centre.

The dietetic interns recently honoured Tracey with the Preceptor of the Year Award.

What do you like the most about your job?

This is a second career for me. I always had an interest in nutrition and decided to go back to school to become a dietitian later in life. I saw myself consulting/educating patients about nutrition, so I guess you could say I like the fact that I get to teach people, whether it is dietetic interns or patients.

How does it feel to be voted Preceptor of the Year?

First, I was pleasantly surprised and then just happy to know that something I enjoy doing is appreciated by others.

What do you think it takes to be a good and effective preceptor?

Ensure you teach the necessary skills so the intern achieves the intended learning goals, while also allowing an intern to develop his/her own style. Also, I always try to remember what it was like to be an intern, and I think it is important to be a good listener.

What advice do you have for other educators, preceptors or mentors at Sunnybrook and beyond?

I have learned in life that if you enjoy what you do, you will probably do it well. It makes you enthusiastic about your work, and the interns see this. I think this is important when you make the choice to participate in teaching.

Tracey Rapier