Holland Bone and Joint Program
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New resources help patients improve pain management

September 18, 2016

To help patients better manage their pain when they return home after joint replacement surgery, an interprofessional team led by Amy Wainwright, physiotherapist and Holland Musculoskeletal Health Professions Innovation Fellow, have developed a detailed brochure, Top 10 Questions About Pain Medication.

The booklet includes handy medication tracking sheets which patients and their loved ones can complete, and features information on topics such as:

  • helpful tips for taking pain medication
  • what to do if medication supplies are running low
  • how to slowly reduce medications when they are no longer needed
  • commonly used pain medications and how they work

A related video is also available for patients during their post-operative stay at the Holland Centre, and both resources are online at sunnybrook.ca/hipkneepain