Holland Bone and Joint Program
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Holland Centre traffic notice: Sat, Nov 5 and Sun, Nov 6

November 4, 2016

If you are visiting the Holland Orthopaedic and Arthritic Centre at 43 Wellesley Street East this weekend, please allow for extra time to get there. Due to construction equipment installation at 50 Wellesley Street East (across from the Holland Centre), there will be a one-lane closure.

Vehicles will be able to pass through in both directions on a rotating basis, with one direction flowing at a time. Police officers will be on site to direct traffic.

TTC buses will continue to service the Wellesley TTC Station as usual.

The north side of Wellesley Street will be closed to pedestrians, in front of 50 Wellesley Street East.

From the northwest, pedestrians will be able to cross to the south side of Wellesley, at the traffic lights at Yonge Street.

From the northeast, pedestrians will be able to cross to the south side of Wellesley at either the traffic lights at Church Street, or at the Pedestrian Crossing that is just west of that intersection (Wellesley and Church Streets) and nearer to the Holland Centre.