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Enhancing access to primary care through eVisit

November 27, 2019

Timely access to primary care providers continues to be a challenge for patients, which may lead to ED visits for issues that could be addressed appropriately in a primary care setting. 

Initiated in 2017, the eVisit Primary Care initiative seeks to improve patient access to their primary care providers with virtual visits. Through the eVisit solution, patients and providers can complete virtual care visits (e.g. secure messaging, audio and video conferencing) using a secure online platform on their computer or smartphone.

Who is using eVisit? Across the province there are over:

  • 16,000 completed virtual visits
  • 32,000 patients accessing to the service
  • 278 physicians enrolled

Are you and/or other physicians in your team currently practicing any of the following?

  • Regularly using email for patient care?
  • Blocking time in your schedule to call patients by phone?
  • Providing carve-out time for same-day appointments?
  • Providing care for patients rostered to you or your clinic?

If yes, you would be good candidate to participate in this initiative!

What are primary care providers saying about eVisit?

“I’m seeing some reduction in visits in the office, making access for other patients better. It takes some of the pressure off me, knowing I have time to put patients in when they really need to come in. With improved access, visits outside of my office (e.g. to walk-in clinics) are also going down,” eVisit Primary Care clinician.

"Patient has two kids, both kids have taken a pictures and tract over time. Had a mole took a picture every week and it was fine. This was great, as the patients didn’t have to come into the office,” eVisit Primary Care clinician.

Ready to move forward?

Contact for a demonstration and onboarding assistance.