Documents & Publications
ARO Surveillance Program to resume Thursday Jan. 27, 2022
The ARO Surveillance program will commence for all areas of the hospital beginning Thursday, January 27th, including Admission screening swabs. Please resume regular ordering practices in EPR.
Please download the PDF for full details.
January 26, 2022Download
Antibiotic-Resistant Organism (ARO) Surveillance
Effective 12:01 a.m. Wednesday December 22, 2021, ARO admission and prevalence screening will temporarily be discontinued until further notice.
Please download the PDF for full details.
December 23, 2021Download
Changes in cancer biomarker testing for Breast, Endometrial, Prostate, Thyroid and Urinary Bladder cancers
With the implementation of next generation sequencing (NGS) and available funding from CCO, available immediately, we are currently offering our biomarker testing on breast, endometrial, prostate, thyroid and urinary bladder cancers.
Please download the PDF for full details.
December 3, 2021Download
Microbiology Updates in SunnyCare
Effective December 3rd at 3:00 a.m., our Microbiology Service Partner, Shared Hospital Laboratory, will be implementing a new information system (EPIC).
Please download the PDF for full details.
December 2, 2021Download
Hematological Pathology Test Name Changes
Effective September 28, 2021, Hematology and Coagulation test names will be updated to the attached listing.
Please download the PDF for full details.
September 28, 2021Download