In This Issue

Brain Sciences
Meet the central nervous system
Advances, achievements and awardsNews
Landmark gift / Undergrad prize / Radiation therapyOvation
Accolades awarded to SRI scientistsDid You Know?
Sight line / It takes a lot of Nerve / Non sequiturA Delicate Balance
Safe delivery: oxygen and preemiesShouldering the Burden
In support of an advanced role for physiotherapistsPandemic Readiness
MERS-CoV and H7N9 bird flu: let’s be preparedEducation & Research
The World Is Their Oyster
They could have gone anywhere; they chose SRIClinical Impact
Lighting the Way
Banishing SADAsk a Scientist
What Is the Hardest Part About Your Research To Communicate to Someone Without a Scientific Background?
Explaining the profound to the publicPartnerships
Collaboration + Expertise = Impact
National network for brain tumour researchDonor Profile
Supporting Excellence
Facts & Stats
Quick Statistics
Dr. Arjun Sahgal
Other Features

A Tale of Two Heart Procedures
The trend in health care is toward less invasive procedures that seek to minimize the risks of surgery. When it comes to treating advanced heart disease, however, new research shows that the scalpel has the edge—except when it doesn’t

Stomach and colorectal cancer that has spread to the liver are complex, challenging illnesses. Surgical specialists are leading research to redefine “best” in the provision of care for patients with these and related diseases

Coming to an Operating Theatre Near You: 7D Surgical Navigation
Starring a light-based system that uses surface imaging to map a patient’s anatomy for faster, more efficient surgery
Message from Senior Leadership
Message From the President and CEO, and Chair of the Board Message From the Vice-President, Research
Inventing the Future of Health Care
Sunnybrook Research Institute
Stephanie Roberts
HM&E Design Communications
Staff Writers
Eleni Kanavas, Alisa Kim, Stephanie Roberts
Jane Doucet, Hannah Hoag, Jessica Wynne Lockhart
Curtis Lantinga, Doug Nicholson
Inventing the Future of Health Care is published annually by the vice-president, research, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Queries, address changes and requests for permission to copy or reprint material in this magazine should be directed to the editor at or 416–480–4071.