Cover Slip

Tissue sectioning and staining was done by Lily Morikawa. Imaging was done by Dr. Trisha Roy using a Leica DM2500 microscope with a Leica EC3 camera.
Microscopic view of a blocked leg artery harvested from a patient with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) who underwent a below-knee amputation. A blood clot (light purple, middle) is completely blocking the artery, which is surrounded by hard plaque materials like calcium (white). The blockage of leg arteries does not allow sufficient blood flow to the lower leg and resulted in limb loss for this patient. Clinician-scientists at Sunnybrook Research Institute are working to prevent amputations in patients with PAD by using magnetic resonance imaging to improve the success of minimally invasive procedures that restore blood flow. See Of Life and Limb for more.