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Harquail News

Friday, February 3, 2023 

Maclean’s Q & A with Dr. Nir Lipsman

Dr. Nir Lipsman is featured in Maclean’s discussing MRI-guided focused ultrasound delivery of chemotherapy to a common form of brain tumour in children.
Monday, January 16, 2023 

Dr. Nir Lipsman in CNN online

Dr. Nir Lipsman, director of Sunnybrook’s Harquail Centre for Neuromodulation, speaks with CNN about the benefits and future of focused ultrasound in an online feature article about the innovative technology and the brain.
Wednesday, January 11, 2023 

CTV coverage of focused ultrasound research in DIPG

CTV speaks to Dr. Nir Lipsman about the delivery of chemotherapy to a common pediatric brain tumour.
Tuesday, January 10, 2023 

World first: Sunnybrook and SickKids clinical trial delivers chemotherapy to pediatric brain tumours using MRI-guided focused ultrasound

Researchers and physicians at Sunnybrook and SickKids are the first in the world to use MRI-guided focused ultrasound to open the blood-brain barrier and deliver chemotherapy in Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma, an aggressive and terminal pediatric brain tumour.
Tuesday, December 20, 2022 

How a Canadian-first study in deep brain stimulation in depression could lead to personalized treatment in the future

In a new leading-edge clinical study, researchers at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre are using specialized electrodes in deep brain stimulation to track brain signals in severe depression.