
OCCI investigators

Ian A. Cunningham, PhD, FCCPM

Robarts Research Institute

Phone: 519-685-8500, ext. 34130
Fax: 519-663-3900

  • Professor of radiology since obtaining PhD at the University of Toronto in 1987.
  • Peer-reviewed funding from: Medical Research Council of Canada; The Whitaker Foundation (US); US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Breast Cancer Research Program; and The Sterling-Winthrop Imaging Research Institute.
  • Associate Editor of Medical Physics.
  • Winner of six first or second-place "best paper of the year" awards in medical physics in Canada and the US during the past 10 years.
  • Consultant in medical imaging physics to numerous international companies and universities.
  • Leader in the development of ECG gated cardiac CT.
  • Leader in the development of coherent-scatter CT for material-specific imaging as demonstrated by the introduction of this new method and publication of the first images.
  • Leader in the development of new theories for understanding image quality and x-ray system performance as demonstrated by the publication of 14 papers including an invited review paper, four book chapters, and numerous workshops and tutorials in Canada and the US.
  • 40 papers, 29 invited addresses and 90 abstracts published in the past 10 years.