OCCI investigators
Robert A. deKemp, PhD, P.Eng.
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Phone: 613-761-4275
Fax: 613-761-4690
- Leading expert in Canada in the physics of cardiac PET imaging.
- Young investigator recruited to the University of Ottawa Heart Institute in 1995.
- Completed his doctoral studies in one of the World's leading Positron Emission Tomography (PET) research groups at McMaster University.
- Pioneering research in 'singles' transmission for attenuation correction in PET, which is now the commercial standard for 3D volume imaging PET scanners.
- Pioneered the application of Rb-82 PET perfusion imaging in Canada, including an automated Rb-82 infusion system which has been in clinical use at the Cardiac PET Centre since 1997.
- Peer-reviewed funding from the Medical Research Council of Canada since 1997.
- Co-investigator on $3.2 million PET infrastructure grants from Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund (ORDCF).
- 14 papers and 24 abstracts published or submitted over the last 5 years.
- Training graduate students in Ottawa Medical Physics Institute at Carleton University.
- Growing stature in cardiac PET is demonstrated by role as invited speaker at Medical Physics Symposia, and advisor to Industry Canada (Medical Imaging Technology).
- Interest in translating basic research to clinical practice is demonstrated by funded collaborations with clinical faculty focused on ischemic heart disease.
- Interest in developing automated statistical methods to monitor changes in myocardial perfusion and metabolism, with therapy or progression of ischemic heart disease.