OCCI investigators
Brian K. Rutt, PhD
Robarts Research Institute
Phone: 519-663-5777, ext. 35818
Fax: 519-663-3403
- Senior scientist recruited to Robarts Research Institute and London Health Sciences Center in 1986.
- Graduate degrees from Stanford University and University of Toronto Postdoctoral work at the University of California, San Francisco.
- Pioneering research in MR technology development, particularly aimed at cardiovascular applications.
- National and international stature in cardiovascular MRI Director of MRC Group in Vascular Imaging and founder of vascular imaging research program at Robarts Research Institute and London Health Sciences Center.
- Recognized by local university by Dean's Research Excellence Award (1994).
- First Canadian imaging scientist to be awarded MRC Scientist award (1994).
- First Canadian imaging scientist to be awarded Heart and Stroke Foundation Endowed Research Chair (1997).
- Peer-reviewed funding from Medical Research Council of Canada, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, National Cancer Institute of Canada, Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund, Canada Foundation for Innovation.
- 51 peer-reviewed papers published or submitted over the last 5 years resulting in 5 US or international patents issued.