Scientist profiles A-F

SRI profiles

Mark Chiew
Mark Chiew, PhD


Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
2075 Bayview Ave., Room M6 605
Toronto, ON
M4N 3M5

Phone: 416-480-6100 ext: 61018

Administrative Assistant: Lorelie Lacson
Phone: 416-480-6100 ext: 64293


  • B.ASc., 2007, Engineering Physics, University of British Columbia
  • Ph.D., 2012, Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto

Appointments and Affiliations:

  • Scientist, Physical Sciences Platform, Hurvitz Brain Sciences Program Sunnybrook Research Institute
  • Associate Professor, Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto
  • Associate Professor, Nuffield Department of Clinical, Neurosciences, University of Oxford

Research Foci:

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Computational Imaging
  • Functional Neuroimaging

Research Summary:

Computational methods are facilitating the next generation of biomedical imaging technologies, using new approaches for learning and leveraging information about the signals of interest to enable rapid and/or more robust image reconstruction. These approaches are complementary to the development of new imaging hardware, or the discovery of new imaging physics, and provide another pathway for extracting more information from imaging data. Dr. Chiew’s research uses these computational tools to develop new strategies for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the human brain.

Dr. Chiew’s group has several key research themes. These include:

  1. the development of novel MRI acquisition strategies for robust and high resolution functional MRI, (2) the application of sparse and low-rank imaging methods for highly accelerated neuroimaging, and
  2. the investigation of self-supervised approaches for neural network-based image reconstruction. The goal of this research program is to leverage computational advances towards the development of new technologies for discovery neuroscience, clinical neuroimaging, and image guided therapy.

Selected Publications:

See current publications list at PubMed.

  1. Graedel NN, Miller KL, Chiew M. Ultrahigh Resolution fMRI at 7T Using Radial-Cartesian TURBINE Sampling, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2022; 88(5):2058–2073
  2. Shahdloo M, Schüffelgen U, Papp D, Miller KL, Chiew M. Model-based dynamic off-resonance correction for improved accelerated fMRI in awake behaving nonhuman primates, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2022; 87(6):2922–2932
  3. Clarke WT, Chiew M. Uncertainty in denoising of MRSI using low-rank methods, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2022; 87(2):574–588
  4. Mason HT, Graedel NN, Miller KL, Chiew M. Subspace-constrained approaches to low-rank fMRI acceleration, NeuroImage 2021; 238:118235
  5. Hess AT, Dragonu I, Chiew M. Accelerated calibrationless parallel transmit mapping using joint transmit and receive low-rank tensor completion, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2021; 86(5):2454–2467

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