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Board of directors

Martha Tory
Ms. Martha Tory

Martha Tory
retired as a partner from Ernst & Young LLP in 2015 where she led the Health Care and Not-for-Profit Industry Groups.

Martha joined the Board of Directors of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in June 2015. She is the Chair of the Finance & Common Audit Committee and a Director on the Common Research & Development Committee of the Board. Martha also serves as a Director on the Sunnybrook Research Institute Board and the Sunnybrook Research Academy Board.

In addition to her involvement with Sunnybrook, Martha is on the boards of a number of other charities including MaRS Discovery District, CMA Foundation and Stella’s Place. Martha is also a member of the Standards Council of Imagine Canada.

Ms. Tory holds a B.Comm from the University of Toronto. She has an FCPA, FCA and an ICD.D designation.