Cancer trials
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Trial details

TFRI Canadian Colorectal Cancer Consortium (C4): Molecular Screening in Patients with Colorectal Cancer and Their Family-Members

To find out more about this trial and your cancer treatment options, please speak with your doctor.

Trial short name: C4

Official title: TFRI Canadian Colorectal Cancer Consortium (C4): Molecular Screening in Patients with Colorectal Cancer and Their Family-Members

Principal Investigator: Dr. Laurent Milot

Cancer type: Gastrointestinal
Cancer location: Colorectal
Disease stage: Early and Advanced Cancer
Trial phase: Other
Intervention: Other: Prospective Database

Registration #: Terry Fox Research Institute

Trial description:
The purpose of this study is to unite researchers across the country to detect colorectal cancer earlier and to identify novel treatments. The study will have two branches; one to create a screening tool to identify high-risk colon cancer families and the other to build a biopsy database to identify biomarkers that could direct treatment options.