Hospital  >  Patients & Visitors  >  About your hospital stay  >  Your safety  >  Smoke-Free Environment

Smoke-Free Environment

The Province of Ontario's Smoke-Free Ontario Act has been updated to include more public places, like parks, baseball diamonds and all hospital properties. The law includes e-cigarettes and marijuana alongside regular cigarettes.

For Sunnybrook, this means that smoking is not allowed anywhere on our Bayview, St. John’s Rehab or Holland Centre campuses. People caught smoking anywhere on hospital grounds can be fined up to $1,000 for their first offence.

As a healthcare facility, Sunnybrook strives to assist in the prevention of medical diseases such as lung cancer and chronic pulmonary diseases, asthma and other respiratory conditions that can be caused by smoking and the effects of second-hand smoke. We appreciate your cooperation with this policy and important province-wide initiative.

Our smoking cessation resources

View our interactive eLearning module: tips & strategies for quitting smoking

Classes on how to stop smoking: every second Wednesday of the month at 1:30 pm at the Odette Cancer Centre. Call 416-480-4534 or email

Our Ambulatory Patient Pharmacy (M1101, M-Wing, first floor) offers one-on-one personalized help

Questions? Email

More information on smoking cessation

(all links will open in a new window)

Staff: visit for more resources