Cannabis and cancer
Hospital  >  Care Programs  >  Odette Cancer Program  >  Patient & family education  >  Cannabis and cancer  >  Resources and services

Resources and services

There are people and services here that can help you understand more about cannabis and cancer at the Odette Cancer Centre.

Odette Cancer Centre Cannabis Consultation Program

  • Tel: 416-480-6100 extension 1085
  • E-mail:
  • The Cannabis Consultation Program is available as a resource for patients who want to learn more about cannabis or want to be assessed for authorization of medicinal cannabis.

Odette Cancer Centre Pharmacy

  • Tel: 416-480-4671
  • Location: T-wing, first floor
  • Visit with one of our pharmacists who will go over all of your medications with you and help figure out if cannabis is safe to take with your chemotherapy and other medicines. Site Nursing Team call extension 65000 to speak to a nurse.

Site Nursing Team

  • call extension 65000 to speak to a nurse.

Odette Nutrition Resource Centre

  • Tel: 416-480-3438
  • Location: Odette Cancer Centre, T-wing, ground floor, TG-261 (across from Druxy’s)
  • A free drop-in service for you to meet with Clinical Nutrition staff that can review your diet and answer any questions or concerns about nutrition.

Health Canada

  • Web: Cannabis in Canada - Health Canada
  • Educational website that includes information about cannabis laws, accessing for recreational or medical purposes, health risks and effects.

Odette Patient & Family Support

  • Tel: 416-480-4623
  • Location: TG-230 (T-wing, ground floor)
  • Free services to help you manage stress, worry, financial concerns, changes in health, and daily activities.

While this information may be useful, it is intended for educational purposes only. Please continue to ask your health care team if you have questions or concerns. For any other inquiries, please contact us at